Monday, April 23, 2012

What it's like here

Day 20 of life with MaMala: QT here, I am a little beagle girl, almost 3 years old and I want to tell you about my life! I came to stay in this house with these three crazy beagles, Bridget, Sid and Kaya, and 2 people, MaMala and her older son Jim. I have been here almost three weeks, before that I lived in a kennel with lots of other dogs and one lady. It was okay there, but it was noisy (lots of dogs barking all the time) and sometimes the other dogs pushed me around and took my food. I am kinda little and my legs are short so I am easy to move out of the way. This place is pretty quiet unless Mamala's grand-beagle, Toirin, comes to visit. He is a barky beagle, but lots of fun!
It was a pretty good day today. I got to go out twice this morning before MaMala left for WERK, wherever that is. She goes there almost every day. While she's gone we usually spend time sleeping on all the furniture. I like the chaise but if that big doofus Sid and the little princess Bridget don't hog all the space, the couch is comfy too. I like to change sleeping spots during the day. With so many choices, why stick with one? And they are all a lot softer than the ground or my old kennel.
Jim let us out when he got up, but then he left so it was back to nap time again. I hid the brown bunny in the quilt on the chaise because I needed to know where it would be. That makes me feel better. Some things you just need to know.
The Dog Walker came to visit, like she does almost every day. I guess she used to walk the other beagles on the street before I came to stay here. I don't know what they want me to do when they put a LEAD on me - I don't like anyone pulling on my neck. Maybe I am the one doing the pulling, now that I think about it. Any way, we stay in the yard now and sometimes Bridget whines about not going out of the yard for a walk. I guess I will have to learn to walk on that leash thing, even though I'd rather run all over the backyard instead. I have no idea why Bridget likes the walks so much. Maybe it’s because all the rest of the dogs can see her prancing around. Who knows with that bossy bitch? That is not a bad word when you are talking about dogs, you know. But she sure is a bossy one.
We got to go outside and we got yummy treats when we came back in. I like the salmon treats the best. They smell delicious and taste even better. The bacon ones are good, but salmon is my favorite. I can't believe all the good stuff there is to eat here, I never knew about salmon before. I had no idea what I was missing. Sometimes I get scared when we get fed or get treats; Sid makes a lot of noise, barking and jumping around and it scares me. I do NOT like loud noises or surprises. They’re scary! Then I run away and MaMala gets worried that I am not getting enough to eat.
I know MaMala worries about me a lot. I think she would like it if I would come sit with her or let her come sit with me. Maybe I will sometime but right now I am still a little afraid of being around people; I don’t have a lot of practice with that. Dogs are easy to figure out, but people are something else again. I like getting my belly rubbed or my ears scratched but not enough to just run up to any old person or let them come up to me. Not yet any way. The other beagles love to cuddle with the people…I am not so sure about all that yet.

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