Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Things I have figured out

August 15, 2012: I have figured out that I don't like loud voices or sudden movements or loud noises or dropped books. I don't like to come into the house if I see or hear any such things and I sure won't stick around to see what happens next. I also prefer one person to more than one. It's too hard to keep your eyes on more than one person at a time. I don't care how many dogs there are; I am good with dogs.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


I don't know what got into me Friday night but I just did NOT want to come into the house. MaMala kept offering treats and goodies and I would get half way in and run away again. I made her cry...I didn't mean to but I know I did. For about an hour I was just sitting on the stone wall in the back yard and I got kinda lonely. Sid and Kaya came out a few times to check on me and try to get me to come in; Bridget came out once and told me to stop making MaMala cry and get in the house right away! But I just couldn't. Finally, MaMala came out with Sid, Kaya and Bridget on their leads and walked them up to the back of the yard, then back to the house. Well, it felt like a good idea to follow them so I did - all the way into the house. MaMala said "Finally" and shut the door. She gave us cookies and said, "Bed time!" I LOVE bed time - we go upstairs to our room (MaMala thinks it's her room but there are 4 dog beds and only 1 people bed so I think it's ours) and get in or on our cave beds...or under the people bed (Sid). I LOVE my bed - it's in a corner so no one can get behind me and I love to snuggle inside. So up we went and then the lights were out and we went to sleep.